the invoking country has a culture with a possible cultural union nation.
target is part of the same culture group and is a greater power.
but applicable only to members of the same culture group, and costing only a quarter of the warscore to enforce. Essentially the "Brother's War" is now a Take From Sphere wargoal. There are several problems with how this peace option works, and so PDM has changed it. In Vanilla, this uses a peace option which takes every country of the same culture group in the target's sphere of influence and places them in your own. This CB is changed from the Vanilla version. One difference you might find is that the AI tends to use this CB on its own with a bit more regularity. This CB is exactly the same as in Vanilla, and adds a target to your sphere of influence (but only if it is not already part of someone else's sphere). It will also not take states with cores belonging to its allies. The biggest difference you will notice is that the AI now only uses it to take bordering or coastal states. This CB is exactly the same as in Vanilla. During a Great War the warscore requirement is greatly reduced. This CB is exactly the same as in Vanilla, with the difference that capitals can indeed be annexed.