Like the normal Growlmon, use Dino Slash if your opponent is up to you. Use Plasma Blades when your opponent is near to you to get spheres quickly. You can use this in stages like the Chaos Wasteland. Use Great Antler to lower damage and collect spheres quickly. If you are fighting with Flamedramon or someone that can use an attack like Pyro Darts, use Ice Barrier to deflect the attack. When you opponent is near to you, use Wolf Cry then use Fire Breath. If you opponent is below you, use Little Horn quickly. Use Ice Dash to freeze your opponent and continue using Petit Fire or Skull Cracker (Down + X). Like Agumon, use Pepper Breath to attack when your opponents are too far. Use Claw Uppercut and then Claw Slash to get spheres quickly. If you are skilled, use Heel Of Justice or Divine Kick. Use a 3-hit combo then use Lift Your Spirit and Celestial Arrow. Use Celestial Arrow when you fight at long distance. Then, use Hand Of Fate and continue with this tactic. Use Staff Slam and when you send your opponent up, use Staff Up. Use Fire Dash to get away from your opponent and continue to repeat this tactic. Use Pyro Tornado when your opponent goes towards you. Use Pyro Darts when your opponent is not close. Then when your opponent is at a long distance, use Pepper Breath. When your opponent is close, use Claw Uppercut then use Claw Attack.

He is the boss third to the top and cannot digivolve. Omnimonĭefeat Omnimon in single player mode. He is the boss fifth to the top and cannot digivolve. Neemonĭefeat Neemon in single player mode. He is the boss on the top and cannot digivolve. MaloMyotismonĭefeat MaloMyotismon in single player mode. He is the Boss second to the top and cannot digivolve. Duskmonĭefeat Duskmon in single player mode.

He is the Boss fourth to the top and cannot digivolve. Diaboramonĭefeat Diaboramon in single player mode. He can digivolve into BlackGrowlmon and ChaosGallantmon. BlackGuilmonĭefeat BlackGuilmon in single player mode when he attacks you. He can digivolve into BlackGarurumon and BlackMetalGarurumon. BlackGabumonĭefeat BlackGabumon in single player mode when he attacks you. He can digivolve into BackGreymon and BlackWarGreymon. BlackAgumonĭefeat BlackAgumon in single player mode when he surprise attacks you. Go to the Boss on the bottom in single player mode. Chaos Wasteland stageĭefeat any of the following Digimon in single player mode to unlock the stage: Duskmon, Diaboramon, Omnimon, MaloMyotismon, or Neemon. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Evolve energy itemĪt the title screen, quickly press Triangle, Right, Down, Circle, L1, X, R1, X, Triangle. Evolve meter always fullĪt the title screen, quickly press Square, Right, X, Triangle, Left, Circle, L1 + R1. At the title screen, quickly press Right, Up, Left, Down, X, L1 + R1.